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¿Excursiones, Free Tours, Walking tours o por mi cuenta?

Excursions, Free Tours, Walking tours or on my own?

When we travel one of our greatest needs is to take advantage of the little time we have, but we always ask ourselves what will be the best way to know Destiny? Well, as we know that this concerns you, we propose the difference, advantages and disadvantages of each of the ways in which you can know a Destination, and it is not the same to make an excursion as a free tour or simply that you go on your own.

Common elements:

  • A guide, whether in person or on paper, a guide is a common element to all the tips that we mark here, although as professionals, in each of the different ways of knowing the city, the guide will work and serve you the information in different ways.


When we talk about excursions, or in Anglo-Saxon terms Day Trips, what we are referring to is those tourist activities in which the guide accompanies us out of the destination to know other nearby places, such as our One Day trip Córdoba from Granada.

  • Advantages of excursions:

The main advantage is that you can get to know places relatively close to the city in which you are and return to your room at night, avoiding luggage transfers, and increasing the experience especially by comparing cities and cultures.

In our excursions, our guide accompanies throughout the tour explains the orography of the terrain, geography and all those curiosities that make one day the area called Al.andalus today is known as Andalusia, sometimes we do not realize the rich history that there is in a territory if a good guide on an excursion does not make us a real and accurate image of the landscape, the fields of Jaén in Andalusia, the subética Cordobesa, the Serranía de Ronda, depending on what place we are knowing.
What is clear that the tour allows us to leave the destination in which we are residing during our tourist experience and this gives us a global view of the territory as a whole.
  • Inconvenient excursions:

When we ask our travelers what is what they most and or least liked, in which less the vast people agree that it is tiredness, and it is a reality, an excursion gives us information from minute one, teaches us cities and monuments , nature or hiking, but the most important thing is its intensity that, although for others it is a lot, some of our tourists are the best of the excursion, the intensity, so everyone who interprets it however they want.

Free Tour:

The word free tour generates a lot of controversy between the guides and the companies that lend it, the reality is that it is a new phenomenon, modern and current that seems to be coming to stay.

Far from any controversy, our job is to tell you what it is, so write it down. Free tours are like Walking tours in which the price is set by you valuing the capacity of the guide who has provided the service, his good work and the strength he has transmitted to you.

  • Advantages of Free tour:

Free tours are experiences with official guides, and they teach you the city. Its historical notes, neighborhoods and other places of public interest.

  • Free Tour Inconveniences:

They do not have included entrance to any monument, usually the guide leaves you wanting more and offers you its other services, now yes feed.

Walking Tours:

As its name indicates they are Walking Tours, in this case and unlike the previous ones the Walking usually have a previous price on which the client pays and makes the reservation. An official guide accompanies the group and shows them the most unique places in the city, usually include some type of entrance to monument or museum, but that depends on the type we hire.

  • Benefits of walking tours:

Just like free tours are experiences with official guides who in a short space of time teach you the most unique elements of the city.

  • Inconvenient walking tours:

They are experiences that you pay for beforehand and that you have to read very well what they include from the beginning and that do not leave us a feeling that our expectations have not been met, the way to solve it is to ask the service provider.

Know the destination on your own

The Spaniards above all, and many tourists tell us that they prefer to know the destination on their own, and the truth is that it is one more option, we do recommend buying a guide, consulting Google maps, Tripadvisor, and even Minube.

  • Main advantages:

It’s what I say in the description itself, and it’s a reality, it’s being free.

  • Inconvenience:

The reality is that today we have all the information of any destination on the Internet, but that same saturation is its main drawback, small details are lost among the information, and therefore we highlight it as the biggest of the drawbacks, information saturation makes us need someone or something to guide us.

Whether you choose an excursion as a free tour as a Walking tour or know it on your own in DiscoverinSpain what we want is to enjoy Spain so we want this blog to help you if you do it on your own and if you do not book our excursions, because both things we do with Cariño.
Thank you, and we’re still walking!

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