Safe Excursions. COVID Prevention 19. We are members of the Spanish Association of Safe, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism. We also have the seal of the Junta de Andalucía as an accredited ANDALUCÍA SEGURA Agency.
We take care of ourselves and we take care of you.
Do not shake hands or greet each other with any type of contact. During the trips we will make stops to wash our hands, and in our cars there will be a cleaning kit with hydroalcoholic gel. We sanitize surfaces such as door handles, dashboards, and seats frequently before and after each excursion. We ask that you avoid touching your face and, if you have to cough or sneeze, do so in the crook of your elbow. During the trip we recommend keeping the windows semi-open as much as possible.
We will limit travelers from different groups on excursions.
Whenever possible, we will use one van per group of more than 3 people, in case of smaller groups, each group will stay in one line of the van. Let us know if you want to do the tour in private. We will put a guide just for you, the additional amount to pay will depend on each type of excursion.
We just ask you one favor, stay home if …
If you feel bad. Some of the family members with whom you live are ill. Only if we respect each other and we respect you will we achieve our goal, Safe Excursions.